Cosmetic Injectables

Botox®, Double Chin Elimination and Lip Fillers



Achieve a smoother, wrinkle-free appearance with the help of Botox® injections. These injections contain a purified form of botulinum toxin A that works by blocking the nerves responsible for contracting facial muscles. With an average duration of 3 months, Botox can effectively smooth away frown lines and crow’s feet.

As we age, the muscles between and above our eyebrows continually contract, leading to the formation of wrinkles. Prescription Botox injections can temporarily reduce muscle activity and prevent the creation of frown lines. This non-surgical treatment can provide natural-looking results that last up to four months. With Botox, your ability to form facial expressions remains unaffected, allowing you to greet the world with a smile.

A treatment session involves just one injection in each of the five designated points over and between the eyebrows. The injection blocks the nerve signal to the muscles, leading to a reduction of muscle activity and the temporary prevention of frown line contraction. Treatment times vary from person to person but generally last only 10 to 20 minutes.

Kybella (Double Chin Elimination)

Are you self-conscious about your double chin, but diet and exercise just aren’t cutting it? Kybella™ might be the solution you’ve been looking for! Kybella is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment for reducing the appearance of a double chin in adults. Using a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, Kybella helps break down fats and give you a more defined profile. Treatment usually only takes 10-20 minutes and involves a series of injections with a very fine needle. Though the number of treatments required varies from person to person, most patients see results after 2-4 treatments. There’s no downtime with Kybella, so you can resume your normal activities immediately after treatment. Results are long-lasting and can last several years. Don’t let submental fullness get you down—consider Kybella for a quick and effective solution!

Juvederm® (Lip Filler)

Lip filler injections are a popular cosmetic procedure to enhance volume and reduce wrinkles in the lips. Juvederm is one such filler that is commonly used by aesthetic practitioners due to its effectiveness in creating natural-looking fullness. This FDA-approved treatment involves the injection of hyaluronic acid, a substance that is naturally found in our bodies, into the lips to restore lost volume and smooth out fine lines and wrinkles. The treatment is quick, relatively painless, and can provide results that last up to a year. Patients who choose Juvederm can enjoy youthful and plump lips without the need for surgical intervention.

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